When you sponsor an animal here at SaveAFox, you are showing you care in the most meaningful way. Your contribution is used to help fund the care of all the amazing animals of SaveAFox. Your gift helps ensure a life of dignity and respect for all the animals. Your contribution makes a huge difference in the life of our animals, as well as for the cause we all believe in.
When you sponsor one of our big furry residents, what do you get in return? SATISFACTION & LOVE! Yes, the saying "You can't buy love, but you can rescue it" goes a long way toward explaining the reasons behind sponsoring an animal. Since SaveAFox is a refuge for animals, and not a zoo for people, the whole point of becoming involved with our organization is to help the animals. Most of the animals of SaveAFox Rescue are sponsored by people who share a love for animals and their wellbeing.
Sponsorship is a commitment, but it is not binding. If you decide you no longer can sponsor, that is absolutely okay! We are thankful for the help you have provided. We just ask that sponsors give us 30-day notice of their decision to stop as soon as they can.
If you wish to become a sponsor, please fill out an application using the links above. Sponsorship fees are collected via PayPal, Credit card, or Venmo. Please pick a level of Platinum, Gold, or Silver at checkout. After checking out you will get an email asking you your name, address and Fox, mink, or other animal you would like to be printed on your sponsorship certificate. The certificate will be mailed within 1-2 weeks of getting your name and address to send it. Thank you for your support of SaveAFox!